Kyokushin Lund
We guarantee that with our training methods you can get increased fitness, cardio cpacity, physical and mental strength, stamina, balance, agility and coordination.
We try to keep a high level of training through the latest research in training and sports medicine.With regular training and taking classes as well as participation in different seminars and meetings within kyokushin, both in Sweden and aboard, our coaches maintain high standards of knowledge and skills within Kyokushin karate.Our head coach is a Certified Sports Physiotherapist (CSPT), leg. physiotherapist with Master education in sports medicine from Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.


Summer Scheduel 2024, June 3rd-August 30th

Youngsters 4-8 yo

Monday 18:00-18:45
Wednesday 18:00-18:45
Sunday 11:15-12:00

Children 9-14 yo

Monday 18:45-20:00
Wednesday 18:45-20:00
Friday KUMITE 18:00-20:00

Family class for kids and parents together

Sunday 12:00-13:00